- "Wayang" = Puppet
- "Kulit" = Leather
- One of the oldest continuous traditions of storytelling
- Finely carved and painted thin leather puppets move behind a white linen screen
- Audience on other side of the screen sees the shadows only

Who is in ?
- Puppets are stored in line on a banana tree trunk behind the screen and in front of the puppeteer.
- The puppeteer is called the Dalang.
- He manipulates the puppets, sings and taps out signals to the gamelan (orchestra). He also speaks the parts for all characters.

- An open air performance under the stars.
- A temporary bamboo platform had been constructed in the village square.
It had a raised stage on which the puppeteer and musicians of the 'Gender Wayang' orchestra sat cross-legged.

- Special days
- Public holidays
- Religious festivals
- Weddings
- Birth celebrations
- Cremations
- Traditional Muslim event of the transition from childhood to teenage
- Usually last approx. 12hrs
- Also as a means of conveying messages across to the villagers of the area in rural Bali.
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